Sunday, January 20, 2008

Friggid Sunday

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr is all I can say, we are in such a deep freeze here. It was cold all weekend.
Did some laundry and psp'ed my butt off. Ellen and I have decided that we need to set aside
certain days to work on our scraps, otherwise there is not enough hours in the day. We also
love making web pages, especially for our dear friends Kez and Marié. You can find the links
to their MSN group on the side bar....50's Patio (which we are assistant managers) there and Marié's Place. Hopefully we will have some goodies up for you.


Unknown said...

Ellen and Cathy I just love what you are doing with your site and that Scrap is beautiful.

I can't say enough about your pages they are out of this world.

Love you lots
