Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Dad, My Friend

Thank you all so much for all the wonderful well wishes for my birthday. So glad that you all could share it with me.

Below you will find my newest kit. It is loaded with all the fun things to scrap all the memories of the favorite guy in your life or just in time for fathers day. Below is the preview of our new kit called My Dad, My Friend. This kit can be purchased for $4.75. There are over 50 elements and 12 papers. I tried to put most in the preview but there was just too much to fit. Papers are created at 3600x3600. Both elements and papers created at 300 dpi.
If you are interested in purchasing this kit please click on the paypal button below the preview. Please allow up to 24 hours to receive your kit after making your payment. Thank you. Please note that when ordering check your spam/bulk folder sometimes the email with the links go there.

4 frames,
6 shirts,
6 ties,
3 bow ties,
3 hang tags,
5 metal tags,
1 golf ball ribbon,
3 alpha ribbons,
2 word tags,
1 word tag,
2 best award tags,
2 gloves,
1 shoe,
6 tees,
1 golf bag,
4 fishing stamps,
2 fishing rods,
2 fishing hooks,
1 sign.


Aussie Scrappers said...

Ladies, YOU HAVE BEEN TAGGED! lol We love all the awesome freebies and work you all have done! Thank you for sharing! Now on to the rules of being tagged hehehe

You've been tagged!

These are the rules:

1. Link your tagger { and list these rules on your blog.

2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.

3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Hehehe enjoy!